Bruce Cloud, Jr. writer dba CloudCrafts ... Established 1987 ... In God We Trust
Communication is part of God’s plan for us and an essential way to experience fellowship.
Divine love came to earth as man to show mankind that God is with us and always has been. From the cradle in Bethlehem the baby Jesus cried out to each person throughout time, ’I love you and I AM here for you.’ He raised His arms in the manger offering all an embrace of love, hoping all in return will raise their hearts to Him and accept His love.
From His first moment on earth inside the womb of Mary, His mother, The Lord longed for the love of mankind and at His birth the first cry He made was a cry of love from God for mankind. Now in the physical Divinity opened the mystery of God’s love for mankind so that all could see there was nothing to fear in God, only tender love for all. With the coming of the Divine One, God showed how precious humanity, which he had created, was to Him, for The Lord Himself took on human flesh and united humanity with His divinity. Now in The Lord, Jesus, God and man became one and offered all people the opportunity to become one in Him. So that in doing so mankind could find their true reason for living and be elevated beyond the trials and tribulations of the world and live peacefully and joyfully in Christ, Our Lord.
The little smiles on the face of the baby Jesus, were smiles of love for all. Smiles that expressed the hope The Lord, Jesus, had for all people as He saw each person before Him and saw the lives they could live if they embraced the divine gift of His love. When Mary, His mother, picked the little child Jesus up and held Him close to her, The Lord, could hear and feel her heart beats of love and enjoyed each one. How He hoped, as the loving embrace of Mary felt so comforting, that all would come to His mother so they could feel that comfort and feel that joy of love. That they could hear in each heart beat of Mary her words guiding them to her Son, Jesus. As Mary looked upon her child and was lost in the gaze of love He gave her she prayed in her soul that all people would experience that gaze and be lost in the love of her Son, Jesus, so that their souls could be filled with love and filled with grace.
Every Christmas we should look to the baby Jesus, seeking to find that gaze, seeking to see that smile, seeking to experience that love and seeking to appreciate the God-given gift of Christmas and then we should try to do that every day.
May you all have a blessed and holy Christmas united in the love of Jesus Christ,
Alan Ames
More INFO on Alan’s ministry:
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